Meet Mark Heydt Chief Learning Officer & Founder
Game Plan Leader, LLC.
Mark Heydt is a speaker, published author, trainer, and leadership development expert.
Mark’s career has included leading organization development, leadership development, talent management and talent acquisition at large national multi-billion-dollar companies including two Fortune 500 companies. His revolutionary approach to drive effective organizational engagement has been essential to assisting organizations driving transformation within their industries.
Mark works with clients to help them improve business performance through leadership coaching, establishing high potential development programs, implementing new manager training programs, and creating executive collaboration and trust. His client base includes large national organizations, start-ups, and organizations experiencing transformation and growth.
As a certified coach through Gallup and the International Coaches Federation, Mark has experience coaching countless executives. Mark also has completed training through CTI Coaches Training Institute and Zenger Folkman.
Mark has a B.S. in Marketing from Indiana University and a Master’s in Organizational Development & Training from the University of Denver.

Defining Leadership for the Next Generation of Leaders

Define leadership not through studies, but through the real-life expectations in your company. Define leadership not by googling “Define Leadership”, but instead by analyzing your organization’s strengths and opportunities. Define leadership and build customized leadership development programs to embed leadership throughout your organization.
Leadership and Management is often integrated. When an executive goes to work each day, they can’t lead from 8am-9am, then take off the leadership hat and manage from 9am-10am. As an executive, they lead and manage all day…together. Attempting to exclusively define leadership is often confusing!
In his book “Rescuing the Corporate Exhausted Hero”, the Exhausted Hero Model takes the definition of leadership and the definition of managing and defines the overlap. As a leader, you set a vision, lead change, influence, and coach your team. As a manager, you manage the team, manage projects, and manage resources. The model helps leaders navigate the balance of these responsibilities and assists them in being strategic, not Corporate Exhausted Heroes.
As your company attempts to define leadership for your organization, let us help you in finding the real-life unique needs and building a program that establishes clear expectations for your leaders to be successful.
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See What Our Clients Have to Say Defining leadership by transforming cultures and leading change!
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- Focus on setting a vision
- Templates to drive communication
- Structure to effectively manage your team
- Ideas to drive team engagement
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