Author Mark Heydt
Rescuing the Corporate Exhausted Hero
The goal is to rescue Exhausted Heroes and the companies that rely on them. Are you an Exhausted Hero—a manager on the brink of burnout? Your team isn’t working on full throttle, expectations are upside down; you keep getting feedback to change, but you’re too crushed under the responsibilities you’re already carrying to figure out how.
Are you a leader who’s losing your high-potential talent in droves? Maybe you’re tasked with coaching a promising manager into a new leadership role, or you see that a manager you value is struggling, but you don’t know how to help them.
Mark Heydt, Chief Learning Officer and Founder of Game Plan Leader, has helped hundreds of leaders and managers to reclaim their lives from burnout, learn the skills they need to lead, and avoid becoming Exhausted Heroes—and this book will help you create an actionable game plan to become a more strategic leader.

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- Focus on setting a vision
- Templates to drive communication
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