Unleashing the Power to Lead
Let Mark Heydt be your leadership speaker
and present engaging topics:
- Rescuing the Corporate Exhausted Hero
- Creating your Leadership Game Plan
- Soaring with your StrengthsFinder
- Leading Change for Managers
- Influencing without Authority
- Coaching for Leaders
- And many more
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A Keynote Speaker That Doesn't Lecture!
A REAL, energetic, passionate, and inspiring leadership speaker for your executive strategic offsite, company-wide meeting, or industry conference.
I speak about Rescuing the Corporate Exhausted Hero using a revolutionary model that is helping leaders balance the integration of leader, manager, and individual contributor duties. To define leadership alone is not enough! It is important that you balance setting a vision, leading change, influencing, and coaching your team, with the day-to-day duties of managing your team, managing projects, and managing the budget.
I believe keynote speakers at conferences need to be REAL. A real-life person on the stage talking about real-life experience. Yes, I have a Masters in Organizational Development and certifications from highly regarded coaching organizations. I use studies and statistics to engage with my audiences. But when I am a keynote speaker or a breakout speaker, I speak to my experience as an internal executive developing high potential leadership programs at large organizations across industries. I speak as an executive coach who coaches Corporate Exhausted Heros and helps them find their place as strong strategic managers. I speak to my experience leading large teams of millennials and creating the next gen leader.
Whether you need a keynote speaker, breakout speaker, leadership speaker, or a management speaker, I look forward to working with you to design a session uniquely suited to inspire your audience.
NOTE: As a Colorado-based speaker, let’s discuss how I can be a Colorado keynote speaker, a Denver keynote speaker, or even a Vail keynote speaker!

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View the Monday Manager Game Plan every week! This quick one-minute video provides you timely management ideas that you can complete in a week. These tips can help you immediately take action to elevate your leadership. Follow us on your favorite social media avenue.
- Focus on setting a vision
- Templates to drive communication
- Structure to effectively manage your team
- Ideas to drive team engagement
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